Thornham St James Primary School

Promoting British Values Statement

Thornham St.James Primary School is committed to promoting the key British Values of democracy, individual liberty, mutual respect, the rule of law and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.



Through the National Curriculum and a wide range of activities, especially via our spiritual, moral, social and cultural education, we promote and seek to secure an understanding for our pupils of what constitutes fundamental British values.

We recognise the multi-cultural, multi-faith nature of the United Kingdom and promote and value the diversity of individual backgrounds and circumstances, but also ensure our learners develop an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of being a responsible British citizen. We aim to equip our pupils with the life skills and understanding necessary to contribute fully as active members of our school and local community, and as rights respecting British citizens.



We promote democracy through:

  • Democracy themed curriculum activities and assemblies.

  • School Council members (children are elected by their peers).

  • Eco-council members.

  • Pupil voice questionnaires.

  • Police and PCSO visits on upholding British law.


The Rule of Law:

We promote the rule of law through:

  • Links with the local police, fire and the crucial crew programme.

  • School Behaviour policy.

  • Assemblies with a focus on rules and the law e.g. safety awareness, right and wrong, consequences.

  • Classroom rules/Golden rules.

  • Circle time discussions, PSHE activities.

  • School uniform requirements.


Individual Liberty

We promote individual liberty through:

  • Pupils are given key roles and responsibilities in school, such as: Playground Pals, Computer Monitors, Librarians, KS1 Wet Play Monitors.

  • Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.

  • School promotes individual responsibility through PSHE, Life Education and e-safety lessons.

  • Pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions.

  • Through our extra curricular clubs and activities, pupils are given the freedom of choice.

  • Pupils are encouraged to fully participate in all aspects of school life (academic, music, sport etc.)

  • The school’s aims and ethos are embodied in all that we do.


Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

We promote tolerance through:

  • Our RE curriculum provides a broad and balanced education on a range of faiths, religions and cultures. At Thornham there is a strong focus on the Christian values.

  • Visits to other places of worship.

  • Assemblies based on other faiths and cultures.

  • Understanding and respect for all faiths and cultures.


Mutual Respect

We promote mutual respect through:

  • Our PSHE curriculum e.g. relationships, being a responsible citizen.

  • Respect for individual differences, challenging prejudices and discrimination.

  • Anti bullying, e-safety and safeguarding activities.

  • The development of positive relationships between all members of the school family.

  • Plenty of fundraising for various charities.

  • Recognising and accepting differences in faith, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexuality, family circumstances.

  • Respect is embedded within our whole school ethos statement, aims, values and code of conduct.