Each child’s attendance will be monitored each half term.
A child with attendance below 90% is persistently absent from school. These children will be monitored closely, and strategies implemented to improve attendance. Where no improvement is seen a Penalty Notice may be issued (please see below).
Late Arrival Registration begins at 8.50am - 9am, pupils arriving after this time will be marked as present but arriving late. This will not be authorised and will count as an absence for that school session.
Authorised Leave The Headteacher will not authorise leave during term time. Parents are strongly advised not to take their child out of school as this may result in a penalty warning notice being issued.
Up to 5 school days leave in any one school year may be granted in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Headteacher.
Penalty Notices (Anti Social Behaviour Act 2003) Penalty Notices will be considered when:
We request that Parents will:
Celebrating Attendance
Class achievement
We celebrate every week each class's attendance, any class that achieves above 96% will receive 5 gems and an extra 10 minutes of playtime.
Individual achievement
Also for each week, a child that achieves 100% attendance they will be entered into a draw for a half-termly prize.
Each child’s attendance will be monitored each half term.
A child with attendance below 90% is persistently absent from school. These children will be monitored closely, and strategies implemented to improve attendance. Where no improvement is seen a Penalty Notice may be issued (please see below).
Late Arrival Registration begins at 8.50am - 9am, pupils arriving after this time will be marked as present but arriving late. This will not be authorised and will count as an absence for that school session.
Authorised Leave The Headteacher will not authorise leave during term time. Parents are strongly advised not to take their child out of school as this may result in a penalty warning notice being issued.
Up to 5 school days leave in any one school year may be granted in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Headteacher.
Penalty Notices (Anti Social Behaviour Act 2003) Penalty Notices will be considered when:
We request that Parents will:
Celebrating Attendance
Class achievement
We celebrate every week each class's attendance, any class that achieves above 96% will receive 5 gems and an extra 10 minutes of playtime.
Individual achievement
Also for each week, a child that achieves 100% attendance they will be entered into a draw for a half-termly prize.
Each child’s attendance will be monitored each half term.
A child with attendance below 90% is persistently absent from school. These children will be monitored closely, and strategies implemented to improve attendance. Where no improvement is seen a Penalty Notice may be issued (please see below).
Late Arrival Registration begins at 8.50am - 9am, pupils arriving after this time will be marked as present but arriving late. This will not be authorised and will count as an absence for that school session.
Authorised Leave The Headteacher will not authorise leave during term time. Parents are strongly advised not to take their child out of school as this may result in a penalty warning notice being issued.
Up to 5 school days leave in any one school year may be granted in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Headteacher.
Penalty Notices (Anti Social Behaviour Act 2003) Penalty Notices will be considered when:
We request that Parents will:
Celebrating Attendance
Class achievement
We celebrate every week each class's attendance, any class that achieves above 96% will receive 5 gems and an extra 10 minutes of playtime.
Individual achievement
Also for each week, a child that achieves 100% attendance they will be entered into a draw for a half-termly prize.