Safeguarding, SEND and Wellbeing

At Thornham St. James, safeguarding is a shared priority, led by our dedicated Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Miss Samantha Rooney, and our Deputy DSLs, Mrs Felicity Wainwright and Mrs Stella Hodkinson Our Safeguarding Lead Governor, Fathe Paul Pritchard, also plays an essential role. Together, this team works to ensure that every child’s welfare is prioritised, but safeguarding and promoting the well-being of children is everyone’s responsibility.

Our school recognises the importance of creating an ethos and environment where children feel safe, secure, and respected. We strive to foster a space that encourages children to talk openly, assuring them they will be listened to with care and respect. We understand that children who experience abuse or witness violence may struggle with low self-esteem, feelings of helplessness, or a sense of blame. For these children, our school may be a stable, supportive, and predictable place, helping to nurture their self-worth and sense of belonging. Through our commitment to safeguarding, we aim to provide a foundation of safety and trust for every child in our care.

At Thornham St. James, safeguarding, SEND support, and well-being are integral to our vision, "Journeying Together, We Shine." We are dedicated to creating a safe, inclusive, and nurturing environment where every member of our school community feels valued, respected, and protected. Our safeguarding practices are thorough and proactive, with trained staff and clear policies that prioritise the safety and welfare of all children.

For children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), we are committed to ensuring that each child can access an education that celebrates their unique strengths and abilities. Working closely with families and specialists, we tailor support to meet individual needs, enabling every child to thrive and realise their potential within a compassionate community.

Well-being lies at the heart of our ethos, guided by Christian values like compassion, community, and thankfulness. We aim to cultivate a caring, supportive atmosphere that promotes mental and emotional health, equipping our pupils with resilience and confidence. Together, we foster a school culture where everyone is encouraged to grow, learn, and shine, both within school and beyond.

Safeguarding, SEND and Wellbeing

At Thornham St. James, safeguarding is a shared priority, led by our dedicated Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Miss Samantha Rooney, and our Deputy DSLs, Mrs Felicity Wainwright and Mrs Stella Hodkinson Our Safeguarding Lead Governor, Fathe Paul Pritchard, also plays an essential role. Together, this team works to ensure that every child’s welfare is prioritised, but safeguarding and promoting the well-being of children is everyone’s responsibility.

Our school recognises the importance of creating an ethos and environment where children feel safe, secure, and respected. We strive to foster a space that encourages children to talk openly, assuring them they will be listened to with care and respect. We understand that children who experience abuse or witness violence may struggle with low self-esteem, feelings of helplessness, or a sense of blame. For these children, our school may be a stable, supportive, and predictable place, helping to nurture their self-worth and sense of belonging. Through our commitment to safeguarding, we aim to provide a foundation of safety and trust for every child in our care.

At Thornham St. James, safeguarding, SEND support, and well-being are integral to our vision, "Journeying Together, We Shine." We are dedicated to creating a safe, inclusive, and nurturing environment where every member of our school community feels valued, respected, and protected. Our safeguarding practices are thorough and proactive, with trained staff and clear policies that prioritise the safety and welfare of all children.

For children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), we are committed to ensuring that each child can access an education that celebrates their unique strengths and abilities. Working closely with families and specialists, we tailor support to meet individual needs, enabling every child to thrive and realise their potential within a compassionate community.

Well-being lies at the heart of our ethos, guided by Christian values like compassion, community, and thankfulness. We aim to cultivate a caring, supportive atmosphere that promotes mental and emotional health, equipping our pupils with resilience and confidence. Together, we foster a school culture where everyone is encouraged to grow, learn, and shine, both within school and beyond.