Primary School Sports Premium 19-20 and 20-21


Sports Premium funding is provided from the government to improve provision and outcomes in Physical Education, School Sport, Physical Activity and an improvement in Healthy Active Lifestyles.

Schools have the freedom to choose how they spend the money but it must have an impact on the quality of provision, the range of sport and the pupil engagement.


As a school, we have always delivered a range of sporting activities, but the additional funding has enabled us to increase this provision. We believe all children should have access to a range of sporting activities and understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle.


Thornham St. James was granted £17,760 from the government for the academic year 2019-20. Over the course of the academic year 2019-20 this funding was used to provide the following in school:


  • Crompton House primary Cluster Link – competitions against other schools organized throughout the year and hosted by Crompton House (cost £400)
  • Sports equipment for outdoor playtimes. (£500)
  • OACT football sessions - an hour long, weekly after school football club for year 2 pupils to extend our extra -curricular provision into KS1, alongside improving their football skills -(whole year £2,000).
  • The employment of a fully qualified Sports Development Worker from Oldham Sports Development Service for one day per week. The coach delivered quality PE & Games lessons across the whole age range, which helped with the additional training of the school staff via the sharing of good practice, and provided plenty of enjoyment for the pupils. The coach was also involved in lunchtime and after-school sports- based activities. (£9000)
  • Failsworth Sports Partnership – entry to competitions and sporting events across Oldham. (£450)
  • Release of PE subject lead to accompany pupils to competitive events and attend courses and meetings. (£1,000)
  • Provide additional support in PE lessons for those pupils with SEND by increasing support staff hours. This will enable greater access and enjoyment for ALL.
  • An early morning ‘Ready to Work Club’ involving a variety of exercise and games to an invited group of pupils with a mixture of SEND, difficulties with motor skills or a lack of interest in sport in order to promote enjoyment and self-esteem as well as improve fitness.


This continued into 20-21 with once again £17,760 being granted to the school. However, we also intend to:

  • Look into ways of engaging more of our least active children into sport and healthier active lifestyles other than through lunchtime activities.
  • Continue with the provision of swimming lessons for all Year 4 for a full year, extra cost towards transport. (£2,000)
  • Purchase further new, high quality PE equipment and sport kits as required from the PE audit. (£500)
  • Purchase new equipment, activities and storage to be organized and used by the Playground Pals. (£300)




In order to gain maximum impact from the funding, our ultimate aims are:


  1. Strengthening the knowledge and leadership of the PE/Sports leader in school in order that he can offer support and advice to colleagues and lead by example.
  2. To network with other PE subject leads to share good practice.
  3. To develop staff skills in delivering high quality PE and Games.
  4. Having greater confidence and understanding from the teaching staff in school.
  5. Greater participation and enjoyment in physical activity from the majority of pupils in school.
  6. Greater physical activity and involvement from the children during lunchtime breaks.
  7. The provision of/participation in a wider range of after school and lunchtime clubs.
  8. Greater participation in competitive sports.
  9. To develop a strong sense of sportsmanship and fair play.
  10. To develop the sense of leadership and responsibility in our Year 6 pupils in their role as Playground Pals. Their role is to monitor and organize games at lunchtime. All pupils are encouraged to participate.
  11. Greater understanding from all pupils of how to keep themselves fit and healthy including the importance of exercise, sleep and healthy eating.
  12. To encourage pupils to participate in chosen sports outside of school by providing links to other clubs.
  13. To maintain the external recognition for Quality PE through Oldham School Sports Partnership and Sainsbury’s Kite Mark.
  14. Greater access and enjoyment of PE for those with SEND and/or other physical and emotional difficulties.
  15. Further awareness of health and fitness by an increased number of information assemblies from Oldham Sport Development.


The above-intended outcomes/impact are certainly evident in school, particularly the staff knowledge and skills, greater participation from more pupils, the increased confidence in competitive sport and the idea of fair play and sportsmanship, and the huge success experienced in competitive sports!

The impact of the Sports Development can be seen from the outcomes and progression of the pupils skills and their enjoyment, as well as enabling staff to see the delivery of good, quality lessons. The impact of the Crompton House Sports Cluster enabled children who are not naturally sporty or competitive to be given the chance to compete in events alongside children who are similar. This resulted in not only pleasure but also confidence building and being able to try out new sports.


The Year 2 children love the opportunity to stay after school (like KS2 pupils) and participate in the activities provided by OACT. Also, the participation in the Oldham School Sports Partnership enabled us to take part in Cross Country events against other schools on a Saturday morning. We have a strong cross- country team and it is something that is built on in school through extra- curricular before school training sessions. We have gone from strength to strength in this event and have come first in the league for the last three years.


Resources for both PE and outside in the playground have been purchased resulting in better and newer resources for both PE lessons, after school clubs and in the playground at lunchtime.


Covid addendum September 2021:

Due to the pandemic not all funding was spent over the past two years due to a lockdown in March 2019, no visitors allowed or bubble mixing from September 2020 so no extra - curricular clubs, and a further lockdown January 2021! It also limited the equipment used at playtimes! No events took place in the Crompton House Cluster, Sports Partnership or OACT. Sports Development worker still had to be funded due to them putting things online for pupils and signposting them to virtual events. Any money unspent will be carried forward to 21-22 to improve sport provision and well- being. Due to the possible effect of lockdown on the mental health of pupils, we intend using some of the money in 21-22 to encourage physical activity to improve pupils’ mental health and well-being e.g. separate playground equipment for each class, new playground buddy resources, new music resources for dance (outside?), new playground signage etc (see pupil premium plan 21-22)


The following PE and/or sport provision is currently (usually) available at Thornham St. James:

  • PE and sport curriculum lessons (all classes)
  • Weekly swimming lessons (Y4)
  • After school football sessions (Y5/Y6)
  • After school netball club (Y5/Y6)
  • Inter school competitions Y2-Y6 (football/athletics/rounders/cricket/cross country/tag rugby/hockey) through link with Crompton House.
  • Oldham Schools cross country events (x 6 sessions) - Saturday mornings
  • Royton schools swimming league and swimming gala (KS2)
  • Bikeability lessons (Y4 & Y5)
  • After school football sessions with OACT (Y2)
  • Daily Cross -country training sessions prior to a cross-country event.
  • Participation in the local school Football league (matches each Friday)
  • Before school Running Clubs in KS1 & KS2
  • Whole School Sports Day.