Mission Statement


Mission Statement of the School

  • To prepare pupils for life we will provide an inclusive learning environment in which each individual is valued. Pupils will be given the opportunity to identify and develop their skills and talents as people and citizens.
  •  Our school is a Christian Community where respect, love and tolerance are the foundations of our activities.Worshipping together fosters and affirms these values and attitudes.
  •  Our priority is to provide a caring and supportive atmosphere, within an environment which will foster self respect, self discipline, self  esteem, confidence and motivation.
  • We have high expectations, permeating every aspect of school life.
  • We hope to achieve this with the co-operation of children, parents, teachers, support staff and governors.

Mission Statement


Mission Statement of the School

  • To prepare pupils for life we will provide an inclusive learning environment in which each individual is valued. Pupils will be given the opportunity to identify and develop their skills and talents as people and citizens.
  •  Our school is a Christian Community where respect, love and tolerance are the foundations of our activities.Worshipping together fosters and affirms these values and attitudes.
  •  Our priority is to provide a caring and supportive atmosphere, within an environment which will foster self respect, self discipline, self  esteem, confidence and motivation.
  • We have high expectations, permeating every aspect of school life.
  • We hope to achieve this with the co-operation of children, parents, teachers, support staff and governors.

Mission Statement


Mission Statement of the School

  • To prepare pupils for life we will provide an inclusive learning environment in which each individual is valued. Pupils will be given the opportunity to identify and develop their skills and talents as people and citizens.
  •  Our school is a Christian Community where respect, love and tolerance are the foundations of our activities.Worshipping together fosters and affirms these values and attitudes.
  •  Our priority is to provide a caring and supportive atmosphere, within an environment which will foster self respect, self discipline, self  esteem, confidence and motivation.
  • We have high expectations, permeating every aspect of school life.
  • We hope to achieve this with the co-operation of children, parents, teachers, support staff and governors.