Thornham St. James C of E Primary School
Religious Education Policy
RE at Thornham St James School will be provided in line with the legal requirements. These are that:
Within the Framework of the law and the Agreed Syllabus, our school aims in RE are:
Scheme of Work
At Thornham St James Primary we will teach the Oldham Agreed Syllabus. This follows an enquiry based framework, stated on pages 20 and 21 of the agreed document. In Reception and Key Stage One pupils explore Christianity and at least one other principal religion. In our school Islam will be the other major religion studied. At Key Stage Two children will learn mainly about Christianity, but also at least two other principal religions. In our school Years 4 and 5 study Islam and Judaism in depth, with Year 3 studying Hinduism. Year 6 then look at all 4 religions alongside Humanism and what impact they have in the community.
RE can benefit from teaching approaches, which bring the subject together with literacy, creative arts, History, PSHE and many other subject areas. We plan to implement the Agreed Syllabus through a mixture of both direct teaching and cross curricular teaching and learning where appropriate, recognising a need for such integrated teaching to have regard to the quality of RE and other subjects in a partnership that is mutual. A range of teaching styles will be used including enquiry, exploration, discussion, role play, drama, asking and answering questions, using a range of sources including computing, works of art, artefacts, visits and visitors.
The school will endeavour to provide a range of appropriate books, artefacts and materials, which are up-to-date and are well maintained and of high quality. From these, children will learn to respect and value the materials and the symbolism or religious significance behind them, and will be further motivated to produce a high standard of responses in lessons.
The provision of resources is reviewed regularly. Teachers are responsible for identifying resource needs, including artefacts, pictures, textbooks and teaching materials. In addition the library contains a good selection of reference books.
Resources will be stored in appropriate areas of the school. The maintenance of the stock is the responsibility of the RE Lead with the contribution and help of class teachers and support staff, and the support of the Headteacher.
Role of the RE Leader
Working collaboratively alongside the Headteacher, governors and whole staff:
Role of Governors
To participate in the development and review of this policy, monitoring its effectiveness across school. Questions might include: Is the policy being implemented across school? Are children actively engaged in and enjoying RE activities? Are pupils developing an awareness of other religious beliefs?
Families who send their children to this school are in the main from Christian backgrounds, with many from practising Christian families. In addition there are children who are from religions other than Christianity and some from non-religious backgrounds. RE is concerned with ‘learning about religions” and “learning from religion” and it is not the practice of this school to preach or convert the children. The faith background of both the staff and child’s family is respected at all times.
Teachers will be sensitive to, and aware of, the distinctive needs of individual pupils. Pupils’ activities should be differentiated so that pupils of all abilities are enabled to consolidate their learning.
Gifted and talented children can be easily stimulated by RE, through critical analysis, interpreting and evaluation of their work. Higher order thinking skills fit easily alongside the RE curriculum.
Assessment for learning is continuous in RE as in other subjects. We report on pupils’ progress and attainment in RE to parents, as required by law through the end of year school reports. We report on their attainment to the Head teacher on a tracking form.
Monitoring and Evaluation
The RE leader, in consultation with the headteacher, governors and staff, will monitor the effectiveness of this policy via monitoring of planning, and teaching and learning (through lesson observations). Pupils’ work may be scrutinised and pupils will be encouraged to get involved in discussion about their work.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the teaching of RE. We aim to provide an open curriculum which can be taught to all pupils, by all staff. If parents do wish to exercise their right to withdraw their child from the teaching of RE, there is no requirement to provide a reason and the school must comply with their request.
There are no pupils withdrawn from RE at present.
Date: September 2020
Review Date: Autumn Term 2022
Thornham St. James C of E Primary School
Religious Education Policy
RE at Thornham St James School will be provided in line with the legal requirements. These are that:
Within the Framework of the law and the Agreed Syllabus, our school aims in RE are:
Scheme of Work
At Thornham St James Primary we will teach the Oldham Agreed Syllabus. This follows an enquiry based framework, stated on pages 20 and 21 of the agreed document. In Reception and Key Stage One pupils explore Christianity and at least one other principal religion. In our school Islam will be the other major religion studied. At Key Stage Two children will learn mainly about Christianity, but also at least two other principal religions. In our school Years 4 and 5 study Islam and Judaism in depth, with Year 3 studying Hinduism. Year 6 then look at all 4 religions alongside Humanism and what impact they have in the community.
RE can benefit from teaching approaches, which bring the subject together with literacy, creative arts, History, PSHE and many other subject areas. We plan to implement the Agreed Syllabus through a mixture of both direct teaching and cross curricular teaching and learning where appropriate, recognising a need for such integrated teaching to have regard to the quality of RE and other subjects in a partnership that is mutual. A range of teaching styles will be used including enquiry, exploration, discussion, role play, drama, asking and answering questions, using a range of sources including computing, works of art, artefacts, visits and visitors.
The school will endeavour to provide a range of appropriate books, artefacts and materials, which are up-to-date and are well maintained and of high quality. From these, children will learn to respect and value the materials and the symbolism or religious significance behind them, and will be further motivated to produce a high standard of responses in lessons.
The provision of resources is reviewed regularly. Teachers are responsible for identifying resource needs, including artefacts, pictures, textbooks and teaching materials. In addition the library contains a good selection of reference books.
Resources will be stored in appropriate areas of the school. The maintenance of the stock is the responsibility of the RE Lead with the contribution and help of class teachers and support staff, and the support of the Headteacher.
Role of the RE Leader
Working collaboratively alongside the Headteacher, governors and whole staff:
Role of Governors
To participate in the development and review of this policy, monitoring its effectiveness across school. Questions might include: Is the policy being implemented across school? Are children actively engaged in and enjoying RE activities? Are pupils developing an awareness of other religious beliefs?
Families who send their children to this school are in the main from Christian backgrounds, with many from practising Christian families. In addition there are children who are from religions other than Christianity and some from non-religious backgrounds. RE is concerned with ‘learning about religions” and “learning from religion” and it is not the practice of this school to preach or convert the children. The faith background of both the staff and child’s family is respected at all times.
Teachers will be sensitive to, and aware of, the distinctive needs of individual pupils. Pupils’ activities should be differentiated so that pupils of all abilities are enabled to consolidate their learning.
Gifted and talented children can be easily stimulated by RE, through critical analysis, interpreting and evaluation of their work. Higher order thinking skills fit easily alongside the RE curriculum.
Assessment for learning is continuous in RE as in other subjects. We report on pupils’ progress and attainment in RE to parents, as required by law through the end of year school reports. We report on their attainment to the Head teacher on a tracking form.
Monitoring and Evaluation
The RE leader, in consultation with the headteacher, governors and staff, will monitor the effectiveness of this policy via monitoring of planning, and teaching and learning (through lesson observations). Pupils’ work may be scrutinised and pupils will be encouraged to get involved in discussion about their work.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the teaching of RE. We aim to provide an open curriculum which can be taught to all pupils, by all staff. If parents do wish to exercise their right to withdraw their child from the teaching of RE, there is no requirement to provide a reason and the school must comply with their request.
There are no pupils withdrawn from RE at present.
Date: September 2020
Review Date: Autumn Term 2022
Thornham St. James C of E Primary School
Religious Education Policy
RE at Thornham St James School will be provided in line with the legal requirements. These are that:
Within the Framework of the law and the Agreed Syllabus, our school aims in RE are:
Scheme of Work
At Thornham St James Primary we will teach the Oldham Agreed Syllabus. This follows an enquiry based framework, stated on pages 20 and 21 of the agreed document. In Reception and Key Stage One pupils explore Christianity and at least one other principal religion. In our school Islam will be the other major religion studied. At Key Stage Two children will learn mainly about Christianity, but also at least two other principal religions. In our school Years 4 and 5 study Islam and Judaism in depth, with Year 3 studying Hinduism. Year 6 then look at all 4 religions alongside Humanism and what impact they have in the community.
RE can benefit from teaching approaches, which bring the subject together with literacy, creative arts, History, PSHE and many other subject areas. We plan to implement the Agreed Syllabus through a mixture of both direct teaching and cross curricular teaching and learning where appropriate, recognising a need for such integrated teaching to have regard to the quality of RE and other subjects in a partnership that is mutual. A range of teaching styles will be used including enquiry, exploration, discussion, role play, drama, asking and answering questions, using a range of sources including computing, works of art, artefacts, visits and visitors.
The school will endeavour to provide a range of appropriate books, artefacts and materials, which are up-to-date and are well maintained and of high quality. From these, children will learn to respect and value the materials and the symbolism or religious significance behind them, and will be further motivated to produce a high standard of responses in lessons.
The provision of resources is reviewed regularly. Teachers are responsible for identifying resource needs, including artefacts, pictures, textbooks and teaching materials. In addition the library contains a good selection of reference books.
Resources will be stored in appropriate areas of the school. The maintenance of the stock is the responsibility of the RE Lead with the contribution and help of class teachers and support staff, and the support of the Headteacher.
Role of the RE Leader
Working collaboratively alongside the Headteacher, governors and whole staff:
Role of Governors
To participate in the development and review of this policy, monitoring its effectiveness across school. Questions might include: Is the policy being implemented across school? Are children actively engaged in and enjoying RE activities? Are pupils developing an awareness of other religious beliefs?
Families who send their children to this school are in the main from Christian backgrounds, with many from practising Christian families. In addition there are children who are from religions other than Christianity and some from non-religious backgrounds. RE is concerned with ‘learning about religions” and “learning from religion” and it is not the practice of this school to preach or convert the children. The faith background of both the staff and child’s family is respected at all times.
Teachers will be sensitive to, and aware of, the distinctive needs of individual pupils. Pupils’ activities should be differentiated so that pupils of all abilities are enabled to consolidate their learning.
Gifted and talented children can be easily stimulated by RE, through critical analysis, interpreting and evaluation of their work. Higher order thinking skills fit easily alongside the RE curriculum.
Assessment for learning is continuous in RE as in other subjects. We report on pupils’ progress and attainment in RE to parents, as required by law through the end of year school reports. We report on their attainment to the Head teacher on a tracking form.
Monitoring and Evaluation
The RE leader, in consultation with the headteacher, governors and staff, will monitor the effectiveness of this policy via monitoring of planning, and teaching and learning (through lesson observations). Pupils’ work may be scrutinised and pupils will be encouraged to get involved in discussion about their work.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the teaching of RE. We aim to provide an open curriculum which can be taught to all pupils, by all staff. If parents do wish to exercise their right to withdraw their child from the teaching of RE, there is no requirement to provide a reason and the school must comply with their request.
There are no pupils withdrawn from RE at present.
Date: September 2020
Review Date: Autumn Term 2022
Thornham St. James C of E Primary School
Religious Education Policy
RE at Thornham St James School will be provided in line with the legal requirements. These are that:
Within the Framework of the law and the Agreed Syllabus, our school aims in RE are:
Scheme of Work
At Thornham St James Primary we will teach the Oldham Agreed Syllabus. This follows an enquiry based framework, stated on pages 20 and 21 of the agreed document. In Reception and Key Stage One pupils explore Christianity and at least one other principal religion. In our school Islam will be the other major religion studied. At Key Stage Two children will learn mainly about Christianity, but also at least two other principal religions. In our school Years 4 and 5 study Islam and Judaism in depth, with Year 3 studying Hinduism. Year 6 then look at all 4 religions alongside Humanism and what impact they have in the community.
RE can benefit from teaching approaches, which bring the subject together with literacy, creative arts, History, PSHE and many other subject areas. We plan to implement the Agreed Syllabus through a mixture of both direct teaching and cross curricular teaching and learning where appropriate, recognising a need for such integrated teaching to have regard to the quality of RE and other subjects in a partnership that is mutual. A range of teaching styles will be used including enquiry, exploration, discussion, role play, drama, asking and answering questions, using a range of sources including computing, works of art, artefacts, visits and visitors.
The school will endeavour to provide a range of appropriate books, artefacts and materials, which are up-to-date and are well maintained and of high quality. From these, children will learn to respect and value the materials and the symbolism or religious significance behind them, and will be further motivated to produce a high standard of responses in lessons.
The provision of resources is reviewed regularly. Teachers are responsible for identifying resource needs, including artefacts, pictures, textbooks and teaching materials. In addition the library contains a good selection of reference books.
Resources will be stored in appropriate areas of the school. The maintenance of the stock is the responsibility of the RE Lead with the contribution and help of class teachers and support staff, and the support of the Headteacher.
Role of the RE Leader
Working collaboratively alongside the Headteacher, governors and whole staff:
Role of Governors
To participate in the development and review of this policy, monitoring its effectiveness across school. Questions might include: Is the policy being implemented across school? Are children actively engaged in and enjoying RE activities? Are pupils developing an awareness of other religious beliefs?
Families who send their children to this school are in the main from Christian backgrounds, with many from practising Christian families. In addition there are children who are from religions other than Christianity and some from non-religious backgrounds. RE is concerned with ‘learning about religions” and “learning from religion” and it is not the practice of this school to preach or convert the children. The faith background of both the staff and child’s family is respected at all times.
Teachers will be sensitive to, and aware of, the distinctive needs of individual pupils. Pupils’ activities should be differentiated so that pupils of all abilities are enabled to consolidate their learning.
Gifted and talented children can be easily stimulated by RE, through critical analysis, interpreting and evaluation of their work. Higher order thinking skills fit easily alongside the RE curriculum.
Assessment for learning is continuous in RE as in other subjects. We report on pupils’ progress and attainment in RE to parents, as required by law through the end of year school reports. We report on their attainment to the Head teacher on a tracking form.
Monitoring and Evaluation
The RE leader, in consultation with the headteacher, governors and staff, will monitor the effectiveness of this policy via monitoring of planning, and teaching and learning (through lesson observations). Pupils’ work may be scrutinised and pupils will be encouraged to get involved in discussion about their work.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the teaching of RE. We aim to provide an open curriculum which can be taught to all pupils, by all staff. If parents do wish to exercise their right to withdraw their child from the teaching of RE, there is no requirement to provide a reason and the school must comply with their request.
There are no pupils withdrawn from RE at present.
Date: September 2020
Review Date: Autumn Term 2022