Thornham St. James’ C.E. (controlled) Primary School
Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism Policy
Thornham St.James Primary School takes seriously its duty contained in the Counter Terrorism and Security Act (2015), to prevent pupils and those working in school from being radicalised or drawn into extremism. We will follow the advice contained within the new statutory guidance on the legal duty set out in the ‘Prevent Duty Guidance: For England and Wales (2015)’ in conjunction with the other duties which we already have for keeping pupils safe.
- To prevent pupils and those working in school from being radicalised and drawn into extremism
- To take appropriate action to protect children from harm
- To be alert to harmful behaviour by other adults
- To ensure that pupils use the internet safely and to encourage parents to be alert and vigilant to the dangers their children might face.
- To ensure that staff and pupils report any concerns to the headteacher immediately.
- To build strong links with the appropriate outside agencies so that where the school needs specialist help and support it will be activated promptly.
- To continue to promote community cohesion and teach children fundamental British values.
- To work in partnership with parents to prevent children from being radicalised and drawn into extremism
- To ensure that all staff are alert to recognise signs that pupils are in danger of being radicalised and drawn into extremism
- To teach a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.
- To ensure that through teaching pupils about the importance of keeping safe that they are alerted to those who might wish to do them harm by radicalising them or drawing them into extremism.
- By raising awareness of safe use of the internet, both in school and at home, that pupils are alerted to those who would wish to harm them.
- To provide awareness raising training for the staff so that they use this policy appropriately.
All at Thornham St.James’ Primary School will work in partnership with parents and the wider community to prevent pupils from being radicalised or drawn into extremism. The head teacher and Governing Body will assess the impact of this policy and monitor its operation. It should be viewed in conjunction with the school’s other policies especially the British Values Policy, Safe Use of The Internet policy, Safeguarding Policy; Race and Equality Policy, Equal Opportunities Policy, Citizenship Policy and Behaviour Policy.
Jan 2020